Taman Kadipaten (Park)
do you like walking in the park? or relax there with your friends or family? Taman Kadipaten (Park) will be a comfortable and pleasant place for you to visit. Pusat Taman Kadipaten (Park) is located in West Java, Indonesia. Nearby area or landmark is Kec. Kadipaten. Address of Pusat Taman Kadipaten is Jl. Majalengka-Kadipaten No.10, RT.02, Kadipaten, Kecamatan Kadipaten, Kabupaten Majalengka, Jawa Barat (west java) with postal code 45452, Indonesia. google location source : google You can also shop at the traditional market (kadipaten market) and buy souvenirs, because it is close to the traditional market. You can also see the activities of indigenous people with their uniqueness and of course they are friendly people. 🥰 source : google Source video : https://youtu.be/9oeXRUG1sDc Even though the location of the park is in the market area, due to the construction which is currently very good and has a background similar to Malioboro, many netizens have captured the moment when th...